Tuesday, December 30, 2008 6:32 AM
Good news... Elder White and I are staying together another moves in Oxford. He's my second companion (besides McConkie) that I've stayed with for more than one moves so that's cool. A lot of things have changed in the mission. In Reading, one of the companionships got moved out so the Reading sisters are now in my district. It'll be fun being DL for them. It's Sister Eyre and Higbee. In Newbury, E. Wiklof moved out and we now have E. Lindsay, which is why we are here today-so E. Wetherill would have some priesthood holders to be with.
So not too much happened on the buildup for Christmas. We picked up 3 people on Christmas Eve, but two have dropped off the charts because they're from an island called Estimor or something and only speak Portuguese. Christmas was nice and it was really good to talk to you all. Friday we had a great day too. We had some lunch with the McLuckie family and knocked the rest of the day. We knocked into a couple Kenyans. They've been really hard to see since, but it was a very spiritual knock in. We've been very blessed this month to get in and teach so much.
Sunday wasn't too bad. Slow, cold finding... We picked up a woman from Ecuador yesterday and as well, we have a couple from Rwanda who wants to get married and baptized. In the evening we had an amazing experience. We were knocking and weren't getting received very well. No one likes to keep the door open long in this cold (-1-3 degrees C). However, we met a woman who knew the name Mormons from the Osmonds (very popular with the older generation in England) so she let us in for a moment. She told us why she doesn’t' like some other religious groups because of their views. One was of what happens to our spirit after death and before the resurrection. She said that no one really knows. The spirit prompted me to have her read Alma 40:11-12. She read it a few times and was immediately captivated by the Book of Mormon. We shared Joseph Smith's experience, Moroni's promise, and bore our witnesses. She loved it and offered to buy the book from me. I kindly told her I wouldn't let her buy it, but that it was all hers for free. She was ecstatic and is going to read and pray before we see her tonight to share more. It was unbelievable. It just came out of nowhere too. We'll see how it goes.
Today we've been in Newbury all day. After we're done e-mailing we'll head back to Oxford. We've got dinner with some members and we're seeing the Ecuadorian woman and the English woman tonight afterwards. It should be pretty good. Anywho, I'm going to run. I've got little time. I love you all and talk to you later.
-Elder Kyle Warner
p.s. Attached are pictures of me Christmas Eve and morning
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Hello From Newbury....
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9:48 AM
Labels: Oxford
Monday, December 22, 2008
Interesting week...
Monday, December 22, 2008 5:38 AM
Well the weeks just keep shaving by especially in anticipation for Christmas. I think that the excitement building up to it is more fun than the actual day...maybe :-). Monday went by quick and not too much got done because traffic out of Reading was bad.
Tuesday, after District Meeting I went to Newbury on exchange to do a baptismal interview for one of their investigators, but didn't end up doing it until Wednesday morning. She should be getting baptized this Saturday.
Thursday was interesting. Besides finding, which is a bit slow now, we taught Pete (the man we met last Saturday). He had a lot of questions about missionary work in general, nothing weird. I suppose we missionaries are a bit odd compared to most people :-). Friday felt like London. The only appointment that went through was for dinner, ha-ha. We did, however, sing at a doorstep in knocking. They were two young women and they asked if we were going to sing. We yelled through the door that we weren't planning on it, but if they wanted us to we would. They said, "Go on then." So Elder White and I started singing Hark the Herald Angels Sing. It wasn't too bad and we had a good laugh, despite the fact that they were both visiting their parents and didn't live there.
Saturday wasn't too different. We taught a former investigator of early this year. We'll see if his desires to learn more have changed. We had a nice meeting with three Muslim guys. They used some of the Bible, but to be frank it wasn't the best use of our time since they didn't give us time to teach...
Sunday was a great Christmas program. The ward choir was really good. We had a pretty good teach with Nimi (knocked into her a couple Fridays ago), but she'll be going to India for a month and a half. Sorry, we didn't have the most eventful week. I think things are going to slow down over the next couple weeks. We'll do our best to not let that happen, but we'll see. Thursday is coming fast. I'm excited to talk to you then. I love you all and I'll talk to you then!
Elder Kyle Warner
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12:13 PM
Labels: Oxford
Monday, December 15, 2008
What pigeon?
Monday, December 15, 2008 4:36 AM
Well it's getting a lot closer to Christmas!! It's been an alright week. Really busy too. I was on exchange in Newbury on Tuesday and part of Wednesday with Elder Wetherill. It was pretty good. We knocked the whole time, but didn't get in, sadly. Wednesday I had a fun experience...On the way home from the train station in Oxford, Elder White and I were walking along and I felt something hit my head-like a raindrop. I looked up to see where it came from, but there wasn't any edge of a building that could have dripped on me. I looked at the grocery bag I was carrying in my hand and there was bird poop on it. Guess what was on my head too! Even on my left shoulder. Later I found more on my backpack and shirt collar. That was at least 3 different splats on me all at once! I had to change my shirt, wash my hair and such before we went out to work. I suppose there's a first for everything, even getting bombed by pigeons.... Our luck changed however. In the evening Elder White and I got in knocking and taught a man. He's not a new investigator, but he was really open. We'll try to contact him again in the future.
Thursday night we taught a guy named Nathan. He knew his Bible really well. So instead of a "teach" it was more a discussion of verses (not bashy though). We left him a Book of Mormon and told him to read and pray.
Friday we were blessed to get in knocking again. We taught an Indian woman. She was really nice and we'll be seeing her again on Thursday. We taught a Zimbabwean family in the evening who was such a great family-very Christ-centered. They're extremely busy so they can't really come to church, sadly.
Saturday was amazing as well. We taught a man named Karl. He's doing alright. He's a great guy who is really interested in the Book of Mormon. In the evening we knocked in again to a man named Pete. He's quite wealthy, but admitted that his wealth wasn't bringing him the satisfaction and happiness that he wanted in life. We explained to him that wealth isn't a bad thing, but true and lasting happiness comes from the Gospel. We taught him how to pray then went to our Ward Christmas Party. They had a Jerusalem theme that was pretty neat. Lots of good food and a really good presentation of the nativity with the primary children. My time is short because we have to go to Reading (Redding) for a small meeting at the Zone Leaders flat, but I love you and I'll talk to you a week from Thursday!!
Take Care,
Elder Kyle Warner
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4:55 PM
Labels: Oxford
Monday, December 8, 2008
Amazing Weekend
Monday, December 8, 2008 5:36 AM
Well this e-mail is going to be short because of time. We're going to a gym every Monday with an investigator and we have an orientation in an hour.
We spent the week preparing Eveline for her baptism and all went well. She's now one of the newest members of the Church! Attached is a picture before her baptism.(Finally got to wet those baptism clothes!!)
You've got me, Eveline, E. White, One of her twins and the other twin's left arm on the far right side :-). It was a wonderful evening and the Confirmation was great too. She was the 3rd one to bear her testimony at testimony meeting too! I'm so grateful to have been a part in her journey of getting closer to Heavenly Father and joining the Church.
On Tuesday I was on Exchange with the ZL's. I worked with E. Di Iulio (it's his last moves) in Oxford and we had a few miracles. I'll share one. We were finishing the night and had only 45 minutes to knock. We prayed for new people to teach and started knocking. We got a lot of rude rejections until about 10 doors in. We shared with a woman the 1st vision and the Restoration on the step then went in to share more. It turned out that she recently lost a nephew and was still struggling with it. We shared with her what she needed and set up a new appointment. Sadly, we haven't been able to see her again since because of other family problems, but the point is we got our prayers answered.
Our Zone Meeting was in Reading on Thursday which went really well. A lot of things were covered. After lunch and a little bit of instruction we got to watch last year's Motab Christmas. It was really good. I'm getting really excited for Christmas time. P.S. Thanks for the package mom and everyone else who helped. It's been fun adding to the tree each day.
Many other miracles are happening this month. I'd love to share, but I'm pressed on time. Just know that I know that our Heavenly Father lives. He hears and answers all righteous prayers. The work I'm involved in is one of the most important works on Earth. I am so grateful to be a small role in it. I love ya and I'll TALK to you soon (17 days).
Elder Kyle Warner
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9:35 AM
Labels: Oxford
Monday, December 1, 2008
Quick one
Monday, December 1, 2008 5:35 AM
Well this will be a bit quick. I'll just touch on some of the highlights. I've got a lot to do today. Eveline is doing alright. She knows and is living the commandments. Her interview is tomorrow and then the baptism at 5 on Saturday. It's really exciting. We set up some good appointments through the week, but many fell through, sadly. I guess that's just how it goes sometimes. Wednesday, we taught a guy from White's companionship. He was really nice, even made us lunch too. Thursday didn't feel like Thanksgiving. I didn't play any American Football in the morning and I definitely didn't have a turkey feast, but a spiritual feast instead :-). It was our Zone Conference in Reading. We covered so many things and the spirit was strong the whole time. I loved it. We barely made it back in time for dinner with an American couple at 8. However, on Friday we did get Thanksgiving dinner. After teaching Eveline the last of the commandments we did some finding then got flogged so we decided to go to an American Thanksgiving dinner at the chapel. There were about 20 or so people there and they all made really great food. We brought a cherry pie....We made contact with and taught Anas on Saturday. He's doing alright. He's read through a lot of the Arabic Book of Mormon that we've given him. He should be coming to church next week. Sunday was fun. After a lunch with some members we went and picked up a couple brothers from a hotel. They're from SLC and were just in Oxford for the weekend. Merl and John Keller are their names. They came to church and told us that they wanted to spend their last night in Oxford on splits with us. So we took them out knocking with us for a few hours. They were fun to work with and Elder White and John got in too. It was good fun.
Today we'll be seeing Eveline to teach her a couple small things and get things rolling on the Baptism Program. That's pretty much my week. Here are a couple pictures of last P-day. We just walked around a few shops and places while it was still light.
Dear Santa, Just a hint for Christmas 2010!Another soccer jersey to add to the collection.
Christmas is coming soon. I love this time of year. It's going to be a good month. Love you all. Take care.
Elder Kyle Warner
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5:28 PM
Labels: Oxford
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Short weekend
Monday, November 24, 2008 3:35 AM
Well it's only been a few days since I’ve last written. Thursday we had a dinner with the Bishop which was quite nice and knocked into a girl from Missouri-she wasn't that interested, just liked having guests. Friday we showed Eveline some of the Special witnesses DVD and she loved it. The spirit was very strong. I love listening to the Apostles. We then went and saw one of the investigators from the other area. Her name is Becky. She's been to church a couple times and is enjoying the Church. The rest of the evening we spent knocking. It's been really cold lately. That coat Telitha gave me for Christmas last year has done a great job. I love it, its fun (and warm). Saturday we had a bit of a mix-up with one of our Dinner Appointments and drove to a place 25 min out of town for an appointment that we didn't have. We went to the wrong house then had to drive back up afterwards to the right one. It was a bit embarrassing, but hey, it happens :-).
Church went well. Eveline came and even shared a personal experience with the Relief Society. Obviously I wasn't there, but they told me that a lot of the women were in tears so it was a big step for her. Becky was sick so she couldn't come :-(. We knocked in the afternoon and got in to teach a couple young people from South Africa. They speak Afrikaans (spelling??). Luckily we have the Book of Mormon in that language so we'll be giving it to them on Thursday. That's pretty much all our weekend consisted of. It was good, but not too eventful.
We've got Zone Conference this week on Thursday in Reading so that'll be good. Also, Thursday is Thanksgiving!! Well.... where you are :-). The Americans are having a Thanksgiving dinner on Friday at the Chapel. If we have time we'll probably stop by. I hope you all enjoy it. Hope you're having a great autumn (feels like winter here). I look forward to talking to you next week. Love Ya!
Elder Kyle Warner
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2:04 AM
Labels: Oxford
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Loads of blessings
Thursday, November 20, 2008 4:57 AM
Sorry about not telling you it was moves week this past week. Oh well. A lot has happened since I wrote last. My birthday went well. I got mom and dad's package in the morning, which had cake mix and frosting in it. I made the cake for District meeting and it was really good. Maybe I'll be a chef when I get home ;-).
We struggled the first part of last week, but many miracles followed. Wednesday we ran into a member who just so happened to work with Eveline's husband. It made me think to call Eveline to invite her to a ward activity on Thursday so I gave her a ring and finally got a hold of her. Sue (the member) gave Eveline a lift to the activity and they really enjoyed it. We then invited her to go to Reading with us on Saturday to see a baptism. That worked out as well and she loved the baptism. She felt the spirit very strongly so E. Schunke and I asked her if she was ready to prepare herself for the 6th of December to be baptized. She excitedly accepted the commitment. We've seen her almost daily since then. She loved church and is looking forward to it. She was well prepared by the Lord for us. We didn't really do anything, but open our mouths.
Friday we knocked into two families on the same street! One was a woman who hadn't been to church in years and the other we'd met on the street before. It's been tough to see them since, but my faith and testimony of asking for righteous desires (like families to teach) and receiving has grown immensely this past week.
This past Tuesday was our last District Meeting of the moves and we held it at the Oxford Chapel. Afterwards we saw Eveline and she was still getting more and more excited for her date. I also got a phone call that night from President Swinton telling me that he was releasing and moving E. Jones and I was being called to be the new District Leader in the Oxford District. Yesterday morning we got even more surprising news. Because only one Elder and one Sister came in yesterday they had to condense some areas. E. Schunke has now moved to Staines (living with E. McConkie I think) and E. Jones' companion, E. White, is now my companion. So we just picked up each others' investigators and we're back to a two man area. It was really surprising, but E. White and I are excited. I've got loads of pictures, but the computer isn't working. I'll do my best. Anywho, I'm excited to be in Oxford again, especially for Christmas. I think it'll be really good. Well I better get reading e-mails. I love you all and I'll talk to you on MONDAY (this Monday)!
-Elder Kyle Warner
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10:36 PM
Labels: Oxford
Happy Birthday, Elder Warner ** November 11th
Mom sent the birthday package and it arrived the day before his birthday. He waited until the next day to open his birthday party in a box!!
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6:57 PM
Labels: Oxford
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Short e-mail
Monday, November 10, 2008 3:30 AM
Sorry this week is going to be short. I've got a lot of e-mails I want to read and respond to. We taught a few new people this week. While on Exchange in Reading with Elder Di Iulio (my 1st DL, now ZL) Elder Schunke and Elder King (other ZL) knocked in and taught a family of 3 and their friend. Not too much has happened with them since, but we'll see if we can strengthen their desire tonight when we see them.
We've been doing a lot of knocking early in the day because it gets dark around 4:30 now. It's raining almost every day now too, but it's not too bad. We've kind of lost contact with Eveline so we haven't been able to challenge her to baptism. Obviously someone is working hard against us. We'll have to work a bit harder and faster I guess.... Anywho, I attached some pictures. Two are from last night. I made us some Fish and Chips (battered em myself) and
had a battered mars bar for dessert
It wasn't too bad.
I'm sure they look tasty in the pictures, yeah?
Love you all!!! Have a GREAT week.
-Elder Kyle Warner
P.S. I'm going to be two decades old tomorrow.....WIERD..:-) A typical English bloke?!?!
Happy Birthday, Elder Warner!! We love you!
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5:30 PM
Labels: Oxford
Monday, November 3, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008 3:37 AM
OK so not really an eventful week so thankfully we've got pictures! Monday we toured a couple colleges. We got to go up the tower in University Church, which is the oldest building in Oxford.
One picture is of me on the edge with another college behind me.
One is of me in a chair in the oldest library in Oxford (no public access-a member got us in :-)
one is of a library called the Radcliffe Camera and another is of one of the main roads in Oxford called High Street(taken from the tower of the Church.
It was a pretty fun P-day- one of my favorites.
Tuesday we had Zone Meeting in Reading (redding) which was pretty spiritual. We talked a lot about the converting power of the Book of Mormon and how we can focus more on people, not numbers. Elder Schunke and I had to train there so the other Oxford Elders could pick up the Elders in Newbury. When E. Schunke and I got back we hurried to a Dinner Appointment with the Gordon family. It was snowing! I pretty much laughed the whole way. E. Schunke's umbrella broke so he wasn't too happy.
Halloween was alright...Finding was pretty impossible. We had an appointment in the middle of the day and Dinner with Sister Evans in the ward. She's a very sweet old lady. She made us a very nice meal and we ate, are you ready for this?........Cherry pie with custard and I liked it :-). (Don’t be shocked, mom, I'm changing ha-ha). We had to go home after that. We weren't allowed to stay out past 6 for a few reasons. The rest of the week we just found. It was a pretty rough week as far as finding new people to teach, but the two people we do have are going well. Eveline is very close to being challenged for baptism. We're seeing her tomorrow so we'll pray about it and see how we feel. She hasn't been to church yet, but she really loves what we teach.
That was pretty much our week. Not too many big miracles to share, sorry, but hey, I got you some pictures ya? Well I love you all and I hope you're doing great. I'll talk to you next week.
Elder Kyle Warner
Posted by
9:29 AM
Labels: Oxford
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008 4:35 AM
Well I've got a few e-mails to read so I'll be short and sweet. Tuesday was amazing. After District Meeting in Newbury, E. Schunke and I had a miracle. Our prayers for someone who is searching for the gospel were answered. The second person we spoke to in the day was our answer. She had recently lost her father after a 4 year battle with some kind of sickness. We told her of the Plan of Salvation and bore our testimonies. It really got her thinking and we set an appointment for the following Monday (today). We said goodbye and continued finding. About twenty minutes later she called us and asked if we could teach her then. We said "Of Course!" and drove there A.S.A.P. She enjoyed the Plan and I believe it answered a lot of questions and brought comfort. Oddly enough we haven't been able to make contact with her since. We are still planning on seeing her this evening so I hope we'll get to continue to teach her. Either way I know that prayer works. My testimony of it continues to grow.
Wednesday was pretty good too. We had a full day of finding planned, but the first person we talked to made an appointment with us later in the day at 3. She was really good. She has a really strong testimony of Jesus Christ and was excited to read the Book of Mormon. Saturday we exchanged with the guys in the flat and I worked with E. White and found with him all day. Church was really good yesterday. Because of Daylight Savings we got an extra hour of sleep, which helped quite a bit actually. It was the primary program during Sacrament Meeting. It was really good. The little kids with English accents were pretty sweet. I've lived here for 8 months now and you think it'd lose its excitement, but they're still pretty funny to me. The rest of the day we just knocked and met some really good people. It's a bit weird to find in the evenings now because it gets dark around 5. Over the next month or so it will get darker sooner (around 4:30). That was pretty much my week. Not too eventful, but really fast. We're already starting our 3rd week here in Oxford, crazy. I attached two pictures. Both are of E. Schunke and myself.
One is in the car-
I have a really cheesy smile and
the other is hanging out on the couch.
We'll be seeing some sights today so I'll have pictures like crazy next week. Hope you all have a great week. Love Ya!
Elder Kyle Warner
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3:40 PM
Labels: Oxford
Monday, October 27, 2008
Yet another week in Oxford
Monday, October 20, 2008 3:31 AM
It's a bit weird on what I'm writing on now seeing as it's Monday. I think it will take me a few weeks to get used to the change, but it's for the better I think.
Monday we taught Tiff in Christchurch Meadows (near Christchurch College, fun fact: it's where the dining hall was filmed in Harry Potter. We'll be touring it in the coming weeks). She's got a lot going on in her life and is playing with the idea of moving back to China so we'll see what happens. I don't have my planner with me so I'm struggling to remember what we did this week. We saw Tina a couple times. She's not too keen on coming to Church, but we'll see what we can do for her. We also had a DA just outside of town with an American couple, the Bowmans, which was quite nice. Bro. Bowman served in the Ogden mission, but the closest he was to our home was Syracuse (his favorite area). We also taught a couple students from the States, but they were more interested in asking questions about the Church instead of joining it. Again, we'll see if we can help them with that, if they'll just pray about it. We also had a nice DA with the Toothill family. They're a really nice family and Sister Toothill is now fixing a couple pairs of my trousers :-).
Thursday was amazing. We had Temple Conference, which only happens once a year. We got to have it in the newly re-furbished visitor's center. The Swintons have been working really hard to make it happen and now it finally has. There's a large Christus, a few small information stations and a theatre where people can watch church films. We went through the temple and I didn't realize how much I missed it until I was inside and felt the wonderful peace that's there. I loved it. Afterwards we travelled home, which took ages because of traffic. What normally is a 2 hour trip was almost 4. But we arrived safely so all is well.
Yesterday we taught a woman named Juliet and her son Santos from Nigeria. They enjoyed the Book of Mormon, but it's going to be hard to get their family of five to Church. The Lord will provide a way, I'm sure. That's pretty much my week. I'm going to get started on reading e-mails. Love you all! Have a good one.
Elder Kyle Warner
Posted by
12:37 AM
Labels: Oxford
Monday, October 13, 2008
Well basically Oxford is amazing!
Monday, October 13, 2008 4:24 AM
We've been quite busy. Not so much with teaching, but with finding. It's a bit of a slow start when you open a new companionship in an area so we've pretty much just walked around Oxford and talked to people along the way. It's very beautiful and quite busy. There are a lot of people here, especially in the market and high street. It's a little overwhelming. We tend to stay away from the markets and high streets, however, because it's full of groups of students, tourists and businessmen so it's not the easiest to find there. I would love to take some pictures for you, but pretty much the whole town is worth taking pictures of. We have the River Thames and another river that run through here so there's a lot of trails along the river and small boats you can ride on it. I'll see what I can manage with pictures though.
We picked up a couple people to teach over the weekend. Both are women, one's name is Tiff, who we'll be seeing again today and the other is Tina. They're both interested in the Book of Mormon so it's not a bad start. The ward here is great. It's really large and welcoming. There was a variety show on Friday night at the Chapel and the four of us did a small skit that we put together quickly. It was about missionary work, obviously :-). Sunday we watched the last session of Conference and it was really good. The spirit was quite strong during some of the talks.
There's not too much else that's happened. A lot of finding.....Walking....But it's fun. Elder Schunke and I are having fun. We've got our Temple Conference on Thursday so that'll be amazing. I haven't been to the Temple for 7 months and I miss it so it'll be great to be able to do that. I've attached some pictures.
One is of me eating a, yes, battered Mars bar, Yum..... :-)
and the other is of Elder Schunke and me walking along the river.
Talk to you next week. Love ya!
Elder Warner
Posted by
9:52 AM
Labels: Oxford
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008 11:43 AM
So I'm e-mailing a bit late today, if you noticed. That's because it’s taken me all day to get her. I'm in Oxford now!!! I got the call from President Swinton Tuesday night and he told me he wanted me to white wash (start a new companionship) in my new area. I was excited to start fresh with a new missionary, a new area, new ward, etc. However, I was a bit sad that I didn't get to work with E. Karges anymore and now I'm not in London either. But there is an upside. The reason for my subject being "reunion" is because I'm white washing with Elder Schunke!!! If you remember, I came out with him and he was in my district back in Portsmouth for my first 3 moves. It's been a hectic day getting from Catford to the Temple and now to Oxford, but I'm here and I'm safe. This last week has been such a blur. So much has happened.
General Conference was great. We had to go to Wandsworth to watch it. I loved the primary choir. We picked up a couple new investigators that were pretty good and have still spent a lot of time with Keisha. Last night we stopped by her house to say goodbye and take a picture she re-committed to be baptized, but on the 19th. It's firm. I'm so excited for her, but sad that I won't be there. That's been the highlight of the week. I'm kind of a scatter brain right now because of moving. We're now in a 4 man flat with Elder Jones from California (San Diego or near it) and Elder White from southern Idaho. The 4 of us will share a car. The area, for the couple hours I've been in it seems amazing. We're right in the heart of Oxford and there's LOADS of colleges surrounding us so hopefully Elder Schunke and I will be teaching a lot of students. I'm going to attach some pictures next week. I haven't even unpacked anything yet so I'm not sure where my connecter is for my camera. Time is short and I want to make sure I'll read all the e-mails I got. FYI-when Elder Kopischke of the seventy came he changed things up. P-day will now be on Mondays so I'll be e-mailing again in a couple days :-). Which I think that means you'll be e-mailing me on Sundays now so you shouldn't have any excuse as to why you didn't write ;-). Anywho, I'm going to wrap up. I love you all. Please pray for Elder Schunke and myself so that we can have success in our new area. Talk to you on Monday!!
Elder Warner
Here's my new address:
18 Tennyson Lodge
Paradise Square
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6:00 PM
Labels: Oxford
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
What a week...
Wednesday, October 1, 2008 5:34 AM
So it's been 7 months now... crazy how time flies, this week especially. Wednesday we saw Keisha and had a short, spiritual visit. Afterwards we went on splits with our Elder's Quorum Pres. and his friend. I went with his friend to see Pedro and we talked a lot about Joseph Smith and having prophets today to guide us. He's coming along, but hard to teach because of his work schedule. Elder Karges taught Gloria with our E. Quorum Pres. She's on hold right now because of work on her house so hopefully we'll start teaching her again soon. Thursday we had Zone Meeting in Peckham. It was pretty good. We talked a lot about our commitment to the work and how to strengthen it-really spiritual. Friday we did some finding before doing exchanges with the Assistants. I was with Elder Gaughran from Birmingham. I learned a lot from him and we had a really great teach with Keisha. We're very close to getting a baptismal date with her. Saturday we taught a new guy named Zach. He's really searching for the truth. His family is very traditional with how they do religion so it'll be a hard change for him, but I think he will make it. We had a neat DA with a member named Elizabeth, from Nigeria. She made some really good food, including jolof rice. She even brought a friend to be taught. Her friend didn't stay long so we didn't get to teach much, hopefully in the future. Sunday we taught a lady who just moved here from Nigeria so her English isn't the best, but she was still interested. We also taught a really nice couple from Ecuador/Mexico. Unfortunately I don’t' know if we'll see them again because of their current church. Not too many people are that open-minded to even receive an answer about the Book of Mormon, sadly. Monday, after District Meeting, we saw Keisha shortly and taught her about the importance of prayer. We'll be seeing her every day for the next while. Hopefully that will strengthen her commitment for baptism. Yesterday we visited Stacia and Andrew. They're doing alright. They might be moving out of our area though so I'm not sure what will happen, but they are coming to Conference on Saturday. I'm so excited for it. After this weekend I'll only have two more to watch in the field :-).
Sorry no pictures this week. I haven't been too good with pulling out the camera lately. I'll try to do better this week. Next week is moves week so I'll be e-mailing on Thursday, hopefully still in London, but we'll see. The four of us in Catford think we're all staying, but you never know.... I love you all. Take care and I'll talk to you soon!!
-Elder Warner
Posted by
8:54 AM
Labels: Catford
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Pretty good......
Wednesday, September 24, 2008 8:12 AM
Not a bad week at all. I'm going to jump right into it. Wednesday evening we saw Gloria who is getting really close to getting a date (hopefully tonight). We also saw Austin & Rose. They're doing alright, but a bit tough to get to church because of their work schedule. They’ve said that they know the Book of Mormon is true, but they aren't being too dedicated. Thursday we did loads of finding and taught a guy named Collin from Nigeria. He's pretty good, but a bit floggy.
Friday was amazing! Presidents Kopischke and Caussé from the Area General Authority came and gave our Zone Conference in Crawley. They were so spiritual and fun. It was a massive boost of motivation for the rest of moves. The spirit was so strong. We were pretty blessed to have them. It's just as special as having an apostle. In the evening we saw Hyacinth and Nelicia ready to give them dates for baptism, but found out that Hyacinth is going to Jamaica on Holiday for a month...:-I.
Saturday we had a short visit with Stacia and Andrew who are doing pretty good. They should be moved out within the next month or so and be married-hopefully baptized by Christmas. Church went alright on Sunday. Gloria was the only one who came. Everyone else that was committed was sick, sadly. We taught that man named Pedro from Mozambique and his daughter as well. It went pretty well. We taught another guy named Issa, but unfortunately he is moved to Peckham's area now.
Monday Elder Karges went to Peckham for an exchange with the ZL's. I worked with Elder Barker. It wasn't a bad day. Mostly finding, but I learned a lot from him. Tuesday morning we switched back and Elder Karges and I did some finding before seeing Terry. He's struggling a little. He believes everything we've taught and knows it's true, but is a bit afraid because he's been in another faith for 24 years so the change scares him a little. By next e-mail he should have a baptismal date. The rest of the evening was spent finding. Today we just finished playing some footi and this evening Elder Karges and I are going to go on splits with our Bishop and Elders Quorum President. He'll be teaching Gloria and committing her for baptism one last try and I'll be seeing Pedro and his family. Hopefully all will go well. I can't believe we're already on week 4 of this moves. Time is just slipping away, which is good and sometimes sad. I love the work. I feel like I might be getting the hang of it, which means that I might be hit with some "fast balls" soon ;-). Well hey, I love you all. I should probably let you know that I KNOW this church is true. I'm reminded daily. So is the Book of Mormon. Be safe, and I look forward to next week.
Elder Kyle Warner
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8:39 PM
Labels: Catford
Monday, September 22, 2008
More Great Pics!
Two great companionships in one flat!!!
Elder Warner
Elder Karges Somebody please feed this missionary!!
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4:18 PM
Labels: Catford
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008 4:53 AM
Well I better get started. We've had some pretty good things happen over the past week. We've seen Stacia off and on. She's really starting to learn how to learn and apply the teachings of the Book of Mormon. I don't think she realizes it, but she's doing it. We taught a pretty neat couple from Nigeria on Thursday. They aren't really investigating the church, but the husband did say that he would have the Book of Mormon read, cover to cover, by tomorrow evening when we will see them next. We got a referral from the Manchester mission as well. They were teaching a man from Haitian, Bhutan and he even had a baptismal date for September, but moved down to our area. We've gotten a hold of him and he said he's excited to see us, but we still don't have an appointment yet.
Sunday we had a neat evening. We planned to knock a certain road as a backup plan if an appointment fell through. Well it did fall through and we were on our way there, but got caught up on a bus because we were practically teaching a 17 yr old guy. Nothing really came of it, but a big seed was planted. Me and E. Karges on the bus! Love those colorful seats!
When we got to the road we only had about 15 minutes to knock. We prayed for guidance and both thought of a number. One of us thought of 32 and the other 23. We figured it was close enough and we would knock both. We got to the end of the street (it was small) worried that there wasn't a 32, but it was the last one. We knew it was for a reason. We kind of rushed to the door with excitement and rang the bell. A couple minutes went by and no one answered. We felt like we should ring again. We did and finally someone came to the door. He was sleeping. Long story short we got an appointment and by the time we finished talking to him we had to head back to the flat. A small miracle, but still a miracle nonetheless.
Monday we had District Meeting in Crystal Palace and I brought E. McPhie to our area.
We had an amazingly spiritual teach with a man named Terry. He really wanted to know about the Book of Mormon and said if he knew it was true he would be baptized. We'll be calling him later today to ask him how it went.
Yesterday wasn't too bad. E. Karges came back in the morning and we did a bit of finding. We taught Hyacinth and Nelicia last night. We showed them the Restoration DVD and they really liked it. They even said they wanted to buy it. Today is pretty exciting. After our landlord comes and inspects our flat we're going to go play some Footi down in Catford and in the evening we should be seeing Gloria, Larry, and Austin and Rose. Hopefully all will go well. Sorry my e-mails are getting all over the place. I'm trying to make more time to respond to every e-mail I get. I love you all. Keep safe and I'll talk to you soon. (Christmas isn't too far off....)
Elder Warner
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2:10 AM
Labels: Catford
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Well, well, well, the weeks just blow by.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008 6:42 AM
I've had some interesting experiences this past week. Many of them were testimony builders. A small miracle that happened on Friday: We went to a couple's house named Austin & Rose (if you remember them). Austin was caught up in west London so we just started to teach Rose. We figured he wouldn't be back until about 11 pm because of the bus schedules, but not even half way through the teach he showed up. He said he took a train because he wanted to make it back in time. We taught the two of them about the Book of Mormon and the Spirit was quite strong.
Saturday We did a bit of finding. Finding has been a little off lately because of the weather and school starting back up again. Not too many people are out shopping and few are at home, but we decided to knock some newer flats near ours. We got in to teach a few people. We only picked up two of them as new Investigators. We also taught a woman from Kampala, Uganda (I think that's where E. Smith is or was?). She's got 4 children and was quite open to learn about the church. She really liked the Book of Mormon, but sadly we haven't been able to get hold of her since Sunday Morning.
Sunday was our Fast and Testimony Meeting and it was really good. The ward members bore some great testimonies and the spirit was very strong. E. Karges and I taught the Sunday School class, which as far as we know, went pretty well ;-). In the evening we taught a man from Mozambique. It was really neat because when we got there he was watching Ben Hur on TV. We taught him a little about the Plan of Salvation and answered some of his questions. When it was time to go to our next appointment we mentioned that we would talk to them about Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon next visit his son who was on his laptop the whole time said that he read about it on the internet. He found it just browsing so the next visit should be pretty good.
Monday wasn't too bad. We met a guy at the Lewisham Library to help him order a quad. He told us that he had been taught years ago and was just interested in the scriptures, not us teaching him. Well after about 15 minutes of discussing doctrine we got him to reconsider and we should be seeing him this weekend :-). We also saw the two ladies we knocked into in the new flats. We taught them about the Restoration and they really liked it.
Yesterday wasn't too bad. We didn't get too much finding done because of bus travel. We did talk to a lot of good people, but it was just one of those days where you only plant seeds. We saw Larry for a little bit and just reviewed what we taught him last time. We then read from the Book of Mormon with him because he can't with his sight impairment. It was a special visit.
Today we're going to head up to the London Eye for a little bit and play some Footi. We've played a couple times at a court nearby our flat. We're trying to play as much as we can while the weather is still good. Sorry if this e-mail has been a bit choppy. I'm in a hurry.
The pictures are from last night making cookies (thanks mom)
and a view from the top of some flats over Catford and you can see Lewisham in the distance. Love you all!
Till next week,
Elder Warner
Posted by
6:42 PM
Labels: Catford
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Wow, what a quick week.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008 6:35 AM
Thursday went well. We had two appointments in the evening. Our first guy flogged us so we decided to knock around his flat. About six doors later Elder Karges got us in to a lady's house to show her the Finding Happiness DVD. She ended up thinking we had a portable DVD player on us because she has never used her DVD player before. It was all right though. We had a good gospel chat with her and her brother for about a half hour. After that we went to another lady's house and taught her about the Book of Mormon. She enjoyed it and we are now teaching her more.
Friday was a little bit of a long day. We had some good people to teach and did a little finding. Saturday was pretty full of appointments. Most of them flogged, except for Stacia and Andrew. It's so neat to see the change in people's lives as the gospel becomes a part of it. Sunday was really foggy and rainy so it put a few people off of church. Andrew got called into work so only Stacia could come. We had lunch with Malcom and Josephine Smith, which was really nice. Afterwards we went to knock a street before dinner with Stacia and Andrew. While we were walking I called a few people to set up appointments. One of them had time then so we hurried to the other side of town and taught him about the Restoration. He enjoyed it, I think and we'll be seeing him on Friday again. Dinner with Stacia and Andrew was really good. They made us some Jerk Chicken, rice and peas and some mashed potatoes with veggies in them. They also made us some dessert that was pretty tasty. It was really nice of them to feed us. Jamaicans love to cook, which is nice because missionaries love to eat! :-)
Monday wasn't bad. We taught a girl on a park bench and it went really well. The rest of the day we did some fun finding before meeting up with Larry and going to dinner with him. We went to a member named, Samalie's house and it was really good. We've been blessed this past week with DA's. Yesterday morning we taught a guy named Tim who lives in a really English house. He is only renting one room, but it was a really big place with wide hallways, tall ceilings, and such. It's really hard to describe, but it's what I pictured as a proper English house. :-) The rest of the day was spent finding until Correlation and dinner with the Ward Mission Leader's family. After that we visited Keisha for a bit.
That was pretty much our week. Not too bad. We got some new people to teach just in time for Elder Karges. He's definitely bringing in Greenie Blessings ;-) (sorry lots of smileys this e-mail). I hope you’re all doing well. It's cooling down her now and there's a really autumn feeling now. It's starting to get dark a bit sooner. I think by the end of October it'll be dark by 4:30-5:00 so that'll be fun! Well I've got a lot to do this P-Day so I'll wrap up, but I hope all is well and God Bless!
Elder Kyle Warner
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4:37 PM
Labels: Catford
Thursday, August 28, 2008
We can't believe it's been six months already!!! Wow, what a great first fourth of a mission. Congrations on a great start!! We love you!
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10:22 PM
Labels: Catford
What a week!
Thursday, August 28, 2008 8:59 AM
Well hello all! I bet you're all dying to know what's going on now after moves. First off I'm still in London so my address hasn't changed. I'll start with the days built up to today.
Not much happened on Wednesday, but Thursday was really good. We picked up a new person to teach named Sharon, but haven't taught her since. We also saw Mavis and her nieces. It was a really spiritual teach. A-Mazing! We found all day until an appointment with some of our home teaching families. We saw Malcom and Josephine Smith. Both are converts for less than 20 years. We saw them again on Sunday for Malcom's Birthday.
Friday we tried finding in the area near our Chapel to see if people would come in and watch a 3 minute clip on Special Witnesses of Christ, but the people in the area that day were pretty prideful and hard-hearted ;-). We had a great teach with Gloria and Stella in the evening. We read 3 Nephi 11 with her and offered her a baptismal date for September 14, but she wouldn't fully commit because of family problems. She said she would pray on it and get back to us. If she does, she'll be baptized then :-). We’re seeing her tomorrow to see how it went.
Saturday was interesting. We did a bit of finding and taught a new investigator named Mark. He's the only male in his family of 3 girls. He's a bit hard to see because of a busy work schedule. We also saw Stacia and her partner Andrew to end the evening. It was really good. We watched the Finding Faith in Christ DVD. I haven't seen it for ages so I really enjoyed it. They did too, the spirit was quite strong. Sunday we had a DA, saw Malcom because of his birthday and that's pretty much it. Did a bit of finding, but no fun experiences to share from it. Monday was our last District meeting and it was quite spiritual. We talked about how to be more diligent, which was needed because all of our appointments flogged so we found the rest of the day. It was really fun though.
Tuesday was interesting. We picked up a new investigator named Larry, from Nigeria, who's a great guy. He's legally blind, but such a faithful Christian. We pretty much found the rest of the day, but had a great experience in the evening. I had to go to the bathroom in whilst we were knocking, but thankfully a lady let me use hers. Sadly she didn't want to hear our message.... We got let in a little while later by an Austin and Rose from Jamaica so that was amazing.
Now the Tuesday before moves those who are getting leadership calls get called by President Swinton that night. Elder Martin got called to train. Elder Church is white-washing. Elder Harding is white-washing as well....with Elder Church in Maidstone. I got released as a District Leader, but called as a Trainer! I couldn't believe it. Now we have two Goldens in our flat. It's sweet. We got combined with one of the companionships in Crystal Palace and one of the Elders there is the District Leader.
Wednesday we saw Mavis and once again it was a spiritual teach with her and her nieces. In the evening we saw Stacia as well. This morning we went to the temple to have the "sorting hat" ceremony. I am training Elder Karges from Mesa, Arizona. He's a great guy. I doubt I'll do much training this moves, we'll see.
I've attached pictures of the ceremony, the group of new missionaries and their trainers,
(Hopefully I will get the names of everyone!)
and also a picture of Elder McConkie, myself, and my boy Elder Karges.
Three generations!!
What a crazy day, but it's going to be an amazing moves. That was pretty much my week. I've got a lot of e-mails to read. Love you all, thanks for the support and prayers-they definitely are helping.
Elder Warner
Posted by
10:08 PM
Labels: Catford
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Last Week???
Wednesday, August 20, 2008 7:43 AM
Wow I realized today that this is the last full week of this transfer cycle. Next Thursday is moves so I'll be e-mailing then. I am pretty sure that I'm staying in London, but we'll see. I can't believe how fast this moves has gone.
It's been a pretty interesting week so I'll just get started. Wednesday E. Harding and I picked up a new investigator named Matthew. He was so prepared to hear our message, but because of some things going on in his life right now he can't see us for a while.
Thursday was our Zone Meeting in Peckham. It was amazing. The spirit was so strong. We talked a lot about how to help the people we teach better understand their need for baptism with the right authority. In the evening we had dinner with the Mafikenny family from Zimbabwe and it was really good. I love African food :-). We taught Gloria afterwards with a member named Stella and it was quite spiritual. We committed her to be baptized, but not for a sure date. That will hopefully be extended this Friday.
Friday was all over the place. We taught one of our newer investigators and she invited her nieces to come and be taught as well. It was yet another amazing teach, but sadly the two nieces live back towards the coast near a place called Salisbury. The rest of the day was spent pretty much finding. Saturday was amazing. In the evening we taught Stacia with Catlynn (if you remember her) about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I started to bring up baptism a bit to her and she just laughed, but I'm sure she will be eventually. She locked herself out of her room so E. Harding climbed up their flat to get to her window and unlock it. It was quite interesting (sorry, no pictures). Stacia was our only investigator at Church on Sunday. Sadly, E. Church was sick so he and E. Martin stayed home. After Church the ward helped us out and two elders did splits with E. Martin and E. Harding while I stayed with E. Church for the evening.
E. Church was still sick on Monday so we held District Meeting at the flat which was still pretty spiritual. I ended up only doing a bit of finding then staying with E. Church in the evening again so E. Martin could do some work with a new investigator they have. The same thing happened yesterday, but I was out working for most of the day. E. Harding and I taught a recent convert and found a bit. It felt so good to be out talking to people again. We taught Stacia with Catlynn again and got Stacia's partner to sit in. We watched the Restoration DVD and invited them to have family prayer last night. We told them we would call and ask how it went at 10 pm. They called us 5 minutes early and told us that they felt closer by doing so and it really made our night.
Now that you're still wondering about E. Church.... He's doing better; we think it was a bit of a stomach flu, nothing too serious. This morning E. Harding and I took our Theory (written) test for our Driver's Licenses. It wasn't too hard. I passed thankfully. Now I just have to do the driving test, which I hear is pretty tough. We toured a bit afterwards because it was up by the Tower Bridge.
We also toured the Southwark Cathedral, which was nice.
E. Harding and I celebrating his 3 month mark with some Ben & Jerry's.
That's pretty much my week. Still working hard to find new people and to bring them to the waters of baptism. I guess I'll talk to ya next week, maybe from a new area, maybe not, we'll see :-).
Elder Kyle Warner
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9:51 AM
Labels: Catford
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Hello, Hello!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008 5:56 AM
How's everyone? I'm great, but don't have much to write about this week. It wasn't that eventful, but I did attach a couple pictures.
One of them is in front of Warner House
the other is just outside my doorstep during a flash flood.
Thursday I was on exchange with E. Martin. We did about 4 hours of finding, which was pretty successful, and taught a couple of his investigators. One of them fed us some really hot curry, but the flavor was nice.
Friday was kind of a long day full of finding, but we did have a DA with a member of about a year named Catlynn. She made an amazing meal. It was so much food I honestly thought my stomach would pop. She was a cook back in Jamaica so she made some beans, rice, chicken, beef, and vegetables. It was her birthday too! It was really nice of her to do for us.
Saturday felt like a P-day at first. We had what's called Grounds Day at the chapel. We basically just cleaned up around the church real well. After that we had a ward picnic which ended up inside because of rain (go figure), but was still fun. Afterwards E. Harding and I taught an Englishman named Tino. We showed him the Finding Happiness DVD and it went really well. We've lost contact with James, which is pretty sad, but maybe in the future he'll get another chance. We had quite the miracle teach with Stacia that night. Her partner and his friend sat in on the teach so we taught about the Restoration for the third time. You'd think Stacia would be sick of it now, but she actually helped teach it. It was really spiritual. I've found that after spiritual teaches my face gets really warm. It's kinda funny.
Sunday we had a couple investigators at church and the BYU students spoke. They all did really well. Monday E. Harding and I did about 7.5 hours of finding people. It was pretty fun. Since my watch has the clicking dial we kept track of each person we made smile and got to about 120. We also saw Keisha in the evening and read Moroni 6 with her.
Yesterday I worked with E. Church until 5 or so. We ended up teaching someone I found with him on our last exchange so that was pretty cool. We also taught someone I found with E. Martin on our exchange. She's from China so we watched the Finding Happiness DVD in Chinese which was sweet to see. We didn't have a clue what was going on, but she really enjoyed it.
That was pretty much my week. E. Harding and I had a fun experience on Monday. We were showing a lady a picture of our chapel and E. Harding had his mini quad out. Whilst we were talking some lady who I am convinced was possessed, no joke, tried to steal his quad. She started tugging on it saying that she wanted his Bible. It almost went ugly, but she walked away when we offered her a Book of Mormon :-). It gave E. Harding a fun experience in his younger months of his mission. But that's pretty much it, nothing too big happened. Next week I'll be writing back in the afternoon (around 6-7 a.m. your time ;-) because E. Harding and I are going to take our Theory Test for our Driver's License. Wish me luck. Looking forward to next week. Love you all!
-Elder Warner
Posted by
8:36 AM
Labels: Catford
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Surprise photos!!
I looked in my email box and what did see????...surprise photos there waiting for me!!! (You can sing the song!!) Anyway, I checked my email today and found some wonderful pictures of Elder Warner doing what he loves the most....well next to serving the Lord!!
Hello mom! Just playing some football at the ward picnic. Love ya!
Posted by
6:30 PM
Labels: Catford
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
5 Months???
Wednesday, August 6, 2008 3:55 AM
The weeks just keep on slipping by don't they? It's crazy. I guess I better get started. Wednesday and part of Thursday I was with E. Church on exchanges and we had some good times finding and teaching. We switched back with E. Martin and E. Harding around 4:30 before going to see Angela and Torek. We taught them with the Bishop and it went really well. Bishop and Angela grew up together so it was a nice reunion with them. We got to James a little late, but we still had a good teach with him. We gave him the church's edition of the Bible and unfortunately we haven't been able to make contact with him since. We're worried about him because he hasn't answered his phone or door so I think we've lost our baptismal date as well. Friday we taught a couple older ladies from Jamaica about the Restoration and they both really liked it. We saw Keisha in the evening and re-taught the Plan of Salvation, but in depth and I think it really helped her understand it. She is getting really close to setting a date to be baptized. Saturday was interesting. We went to teach a lady from the Ivory Coast and at the end we gave her a Book of Mormon in French (or so we thought) and she just gave us a funny look. It was actually in Portuguese, but she wasn't mad about it. It was just a little embarrassing on my part. We went to teach Stacia in the evening and she ended up inviting a friend whose name is Donette to learn from us as well. It went really well and they even invited us to Donette's daughter's birthday party on Sunday. So after Church we went to Stacia's and met some of her and Donette's friends. They were excited to have us try Jerk Chicken, which is one thing Jamaicans are famous for. It wasn't ready, however, so we left to find for a bit then came back in the evening. It was some spicy stuff, but really good at the same time. It was interesting too because E. Harding and I were dressed up (pros clothes) in a house full of Jamaicans. We got a few weird looks at first, but after they asked who we were things were just fine. Monday we taught a lady from Trinidad after District Meeting which was probably one of the most spiritual 1st teaches I've had on my mission so far. It was pretty much a discussion back and forth the whole time, but she didn't realize we were teaching about the Restoration the whole time. In the evening we had a DA with Cody and Rita Middlebrook. Cody is the Elder's Quorum pres and had been putting a system together using Google that has all the members of the Church highlighted on the map which is really helpful for us. Yesterday we pretty much just found and taught members all day. In the Evening we had a DA with an RM from the Manchester Mission. Her name is Stella and it was amazing. She pretty much sat us down and started firing questions about the work. It was like a President's interview. I loved it. She gave us so many good ideas to try in the work. Today we'll be going on a tour of the fire station in Lewisham. E. Harding is dying to go seeing as he was a fire fighter back home. Sorry, no pictures this week. I just didn't take any last week sorry. I'll try better this week. I hope all is well. I can't believe summer is starting to end. It's rained a bit more here, which is fun to work in. Anyways, I love you all and I look forward to next week!
-E. Warner
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12:02 PM
Labels: Catford
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Wow, what a week!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008 4:45 AM
Wednesday was pretty fun. We played some American and European football on a grassy area near the London Eye. We also saw Parliament. Obviously we couldn't go up next to it because it's across the river which is out of our mission, but it was still cool. E. Martin and I across the river from Parliament
E. Harding and myself
My mission family - E. Gardner who trained E. McConkie who trained me and is now training my mission brother E. Herbertson
My district (E. Harding, E. Church, E. Martin, E. Warner)
I stayed the night in Peckham and worked with E. Talbot. It was a pretty sweet night and day there. We were fed a couple times. Wednesday night we were fed by some of his investigators a dish called coos coos (I have no idea how to spell it). I'm not sure where it came from but it was really good. Thursday we had lunch with some members from Jamaica. They made some amazing food too. It was a pasta with sauce, a couple veggies and...are you ready for this?? Shrimp! It wasn't too bad.
When I got back into Catford we taught James and had an amazing teach with him about the Plan of Salvation. He loved it. Friday was Zone Conference in Crawley. I was able to have a nice little reunion with E. McConkie and met my mission brother and my mission grandpa. Because of trains getting back we didn't get back in the area till about 8:30 so that was pretty much our day. Saturday we saw James again and we talked about the Book of Mormon. He loves it. It's interesting because he was brought up in another church and even studied to be a priest in it, but never was able to find answers about the bible and other things (i.e. Adam & eve). Then he met us, we introduced him to the Book of Mormon, and it has been answering questions that he's had for years that even some of the most learned men in other churches can't answer. It's really rewarding to see the Book of Mormon light up people's lives. Sunday was a special day. E. Martin and E. Church had a baptism before church. E. Martin volunteered us four to sing a musical number as part of the program. We sang Come thou fount of every blessing. I recorded it on my tape. I'll let you think of it what you will :-). President and Sister Swinton showed up at our ward and stayed for all three meetings. It was fun to see them again, even though we just saw them on Friday. We started teaching a man from Uganda named Isaac that night as well.
Monday was interesting because E. Church wasn't feeling too well so I held District Meeting in our flat with just the three of us while E. Church slept. We gave him a blessing and he's fine now, just a small stomach issue. E. Harding and I visited James and committed him to be baptized, but not for a date because we didn't get a chance to pray about it and he accepted. Afterwards we went to a member's house for dinner with Isaac and it turns out that they're both from the same part of Uganda so that connection is pretty cool.
Yesterday was amazing! We taught a lady named Angela and her son Torek which went well. It was a little different teaching a 9 yr old but I liked it. We saw Stacia as well and taught her about the Plan of Salvation and she liked it. We hurried and visited James after our Correlation with the Ward Mission Leader and committed him to be baptized on the 17th of August. That morning E. Harding and I prayed to know a date and as soon as we finished praying we both knew. James was excited for it and is now preparing for that day. Today is going to be a lax day. We’ll be staying in our area and hopefully I’ll be able to write some letters.....we'll see :-). I did attach some pictures, however. Sorry I don't have more. I haven't really been taking much. I'll try to do better. Anywho, I better wrap up. Hope all is well. I look forward to reading some good e-mails next week. Love you all!
Elder Kyle Warner
Posted by
10:53 AM
Labels: Catford
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008 3:39 AM
Well, not the most eventful week to report about, to be honest, but it was pretty good. Thursday night we picked up a couple new people to teach and had a really spiritual teach with them. Friday, we pretty much just travelled all day from appointment to appointment and got flogged quite a bit, but that's alright. We did pick up a new person to teach named James from Nigeria. He's a really nice guy who is searching for truth. We taught him in a park just sitting on the grass. Even though there were kids playing footi nearby we were still able to feel the spirit. We ride double decker buses all day and they're kind of interesting, especially on the top. Saturday we had a really spiritual teach with a lady named Stacia from Jamaica. Most people here are from Jamaica, Nigeria, England(obviously, but not too many), Ivory Coast, or other African countries. It's really cool. Some missionaries go to Spain to teach the Spanish. Some missionaries go to Brazil to teach Brazilians, but we missionaries come to England to teach the world :-).
Sunday was an interesting day. E. Harding and I got to church and were asked to help pass the sacrament. It was fine though because we only have about 90-100 people each week. Then in Sacrament Meeting E. Church (the new missionary) spoke and I followed him. It went alright, not too bad. We only spoke for about 10 minutes. After that E. Harding and I taught the Gospel Principles class on the Book of Mormon. It went pretty well even though I pretty much had to wing it.
Monday was my first District Meeting. E. Harding and I had to run some things to an investigator beforehand so we ended up being late. I think it went alright, even if I was a little nervous. I'm sure they'll get better in the coming weeks. Monday we taught James again, but this time at the church and watched the Restoration DVD. Again, it went well and we had a really good discussion about faith afterwards. We've been able to have a lot of spiritual teaches with some people since then. We've taught Stacia and James again as well. London is almost like a new mission. There are so many people here to teach, it's crazy. The city itself isn't too much like what I expected, but I'm not in the heart of London. We'll be going to the London Eye to play American football in a bit with the zone and the neighbor zone so that'll be fun. Sorry no pictures yet, next week. I promise. I hope you all are enjoying your summer. You're in my Prayers.
Elder Kyle Warner
Posted by
8:28 AM
Labels: Catford
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Hello from London!!
Thursday, July 17, 2008 8:07 AM
So I've been moved to London, serving in Catford. It's been a crazy last week in Portsmouth. Our P-day on the Isle of Wight to see Carisbrooke Castle was really fun last Wednesday. I'll have to do pictures next week. I was supposed to work with E. Zundel in Portsmouth, but E. Dutson forgot his proselyting clothes so I ended up staying on the Isle wearing E. Zundel's shoes and trousers, E. Dutson's belt, and E. Lovell's shirt and tie because E. Dutson couldn't fit into their clothes. It was fun though. It kept me on my toes.
Friday we taught Matt our baptismal date for this Saturday and committed him to stop smoking on Monday. Saturday he showed up to take us to our ward picnic at Portchester Castle and ripped his last pack of cigarettes! It was so cool to see him want to give up sooner. We taught him again on Sunday and taught Martin as well. Both are still committed for their dates. Tuesday we picked up 4 new investigators, 2 from Zimbabwe and 2 from Nigeria. They were all pretty spiritual teaches. E. Dutson and I got a call from Pres. Swinton Thursday night. E. Dutson got called to train and Pres. called me to be a District Leader here in Catford. It was crazy. I wasn't expecting a calling, but I guess I'm doing it :-) (extra prayers would be appreciated).
So Wednesday was my last day in Portsmouth. We found most of the day and Margaret took us to the Carvery for lunch. It was amazing. We ended up teaching Martin one last time. It went really well. We just read from the Book of Mormon with him. We went and saw that family from Zimbabwe, Betty, Sandra, and Samuel. It was a nice visit with them. I pretty much bore my testimony for about 20 minutes. Last night Matt came by to be taught in Margaret's lounge. It was the last thing to teach him before he's baptized on Saturday. Because I was to be leaving this morning we knelt in prayer one last time. It was really cool. I'm sad I won't be there for it, but as long as it still happens, that's what's important. I stayed up till about 12:30 packing and fell asleep around 1:00. We woke up at 5:00 to get ready then I caught a train for London while E. Dutson went to pick up his Greenie.
It's not too bad here so far. My companion is E. Harding from Cache Valley, UT. I'm in the flat with E. Martin (we came out together) and he's training E. Church from Las Vegas. While we were waiting for Martin and Church to get back to Catford we cleaned the flat and now here I am e-mailing. It's a busy, busy city. I'm not in the heart of London, but it's still London nonetheless. I don't have much time. Perhaps I'll send some pictures home next week. Take care and I love you all.
E. Kyle Warner
P.S. New Address:
# 9 Highland Terrace
Algernon Rd.
Lewisham, London
SE13 7AB
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4:30 PM
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