Date: Wed, 30 Apr 2008 11:18
Hello everyone! Man, that last week went by really quick. I'm sorry about that e-mail. I'm still a little upset about it. I'll be much more careful this week with what I click. f.y.i- my subject is how I think you spell hello in Polish. There are loads of Polish people here.
Not too much happened last week. On Sunday we had to meet an investigator, Louise, for church beforehand and walk with her and her two kids. They live about 25 min. from us and then back another 15 or so to the church. It started raining about 10 min. away from the flat and I forgot to grab my umbrella on the way out so my suit was drenched for Sacrament Meeting. I had to let my jacket hang up in the cultural hall all throughout church. On Monday we got to see Julian again!! We finally made contact with him and kind of reset a baptismal date for the 10th. We also have two others for the 17th so hopefully things will go as planned. On Monday we found out that a couple that we've been teaching is engaged! It was so cool to hear the news. They're going to get married in Ghana over the summer. Yesterday was so rainy. We were walking in it all day and rarely would anyone stop, that is if we found someone on the streets. We got quite wet and so did our bags and things inside of them. My camera got wet and almost ruined too. The lens couldn't focus at all. I was quite worried. I'd say we had our first real rain day in a while and it wasn't too fun. When it rains here the wind blows too so practically everything, but your face gets wet if you have an umbrella.
We had a really nice DA with a guy in our ward named Luke, and his girlfriend, Nicole. That's pretty much our week, not too eventful, but still alright. I hope you're all doing well. I'm going to try responding to everyone's e-mails individually this week so we'll see how it goes.
We're a little worried about the post. Some kind of tax hike has happened on the postage and everything costs a little more now. We think the Royal Mail may be holding some of our stuff because there isn't enough postage on them, but we'll try to get to the bottom of it.
Take care for now. I love you all!
Elder Warner
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Posted by
3:37 PM
Labels: Portsmouth
Friday, April 25, 2008
Date: Thu, 24 Apr 2008 11:08
Right then..... So I just spent the last hour and 15 minutes typing my E-mail and accidentally clicked the wrong button and deleted my e-mail. I'm a little upset. I'm still here in Portsmouth with McConkie though.
Well let's see.... On Friday the 18th I got to do my first blessing. It was amazing. I've never felt the spirit like that before. It was literally speaking for me. It just kind of took over and the words just flowed, I loved it. All of our investigators are great! So many good couples. We had a DA with the Parks family the other day. They have six children, most of them little. It was so loud there but it reminded me of home. Yesterday as we were walking to a DA we saw a little 13 yr old boy get hit by a car. We were about 30 yards away from it. We saw him get hit from behind, flip back, hit his head on the windshield, do a flip in the air, and land on the street screaming. It was one of the saddest, craziest, somethingest things I've ever seen. It took us a few to realize what just happened then we ran over to him. The windshield had a massive spider web-like crack in it from his head. There were a few people comforting him as McConkie called the ambulance. They got there quickly and helped him on the street. His left leg was practically blown open and he had a softball sized bump on his head. We were a little shaken up after. I still can't believe it happened. As far as we know he's ok now, but wow how crazy.
So I responded to everyone's e-mails, but have no time left.
Here's a picture of me in the snow.
Thank you for the package. I listened to the tape and started a new one. Good luck with everything on Saturday. I love you all. Thank you so much for your love, support, and prayers. You're in mine. Till next week.
-Elder Warner
Posted by
5:00 PM
Labels: Portsmouth
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Great Thanks
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2008 11:12
Man, what a good week! We had a couple exchanges that went well. Elder Mortenson came over from the Isle of Wight and we taught a guy named Karim from France. He is a chef at a local restaurant so hopefully he'll make us some food when we teach him again. He was so receptive and wanted to know about Christ. He found the right people to help. On Thursday we had Zone Meeting and it was really good. Sister Swinton talked a lot about President Monson because she and President Swinton are close acquaintances. He's such an amazing man! No wonder he is the prophet. You can really see how different he is now that he's prophet too. On Saturday the assistants came down to do exchanges with McConkie and me. We did a bunch of finding and it was a lot fun. We found a really cool couple named Emmanuel and Fallon. They have a 15 month old daughter and a 7 week old son. They came to church with us on Sunday and it was amazing. Because of the time difference we got to watch the last session of conference after the sacrament. I couldn't believe how good it was. They really enjoyed it. Elder Bednar and Elder Holland had such good talks. Especially Elder Bednar's when he talked about how the missionaries are full-time teachers and the members are full-time finders. If every member would work on that, the missionaries would be full of appointments, but unfortunately people are really busy. Yesterday was crazy. We had 5 appointments set up for the 1st lesson. We were so sure we were going to get all of them as new investigators. Every one of them flogged (weren't home, cancelled, etc.) us. It was so disappointing. We all need our patience and faith tried every once in a while. For us, yesterday was the day and we definitely got a little discouraged. But God knows and loves us and as we were walking through the high street (outdoor shopping mall) some guy yelled to us and asked if we had a DA. It turned out he was a returned missionary who was in Portsmouth for the day. He went to an ATM, took out some money, and gave it to us for dinner. I didn't really know what to do. It completely caught us off guard, but our moods changed almost instantly and we realized that God was mindful of us enough to help that RM see us when he did and offer us dinner. Our spirits were lifted and we became more positive throughout the rest of the day.
Thank you all for the letters I've gotten over the past couple weeks and thank you for the prints. It's crazy how much the nieces and nephews are changing every day. Kaiden has changed so much. I love hearing the little stories about them. Kami-tell Brooklyn thanks for praying for me, I need it. Every prayer helps. Braiden & Kathryn-thanks for your letters. I love and miss you too. How's the rest of the little one's? I'm sure Emilee and Kendall are walking all over the place now, yah?
So I’ve been asked for some details about the ward. Our building is pretty much like any other-ish. It just so happens to be the Stake Center so it's quite large. Our ward members are really nice. There are about 60-80 every week that come. McConkie and I are looking to increase that number though.
We have, I think, 155 missionaries in my mission. Things are going to change quite quickly though. Next Thursday is moves (transfers) and we'll find out if we're getting transferred then, on Wednesday morning. If you don't get an e-mail from me on Wednesday it's probably because either McConkie or I have been moved. I don't really want to move yet, but it's not really up to us. Our area is the Portsmouth area. McConkie and I are the only ones in our area. Our district consists of us, 2 Chichester elders, and 2 elders from the Isle of Wight. We have 2 districts in our zone. The other district has 4 elders in Southampton (that includes the zone leaders), 2 in Hamble river, and 2 in Winchester.
The food here is fine, I suppose. Yes, it is quite bland, but it isn't horrible and you get used to it. The DA's are all nice and I really can't complain. My pickiness with food went out the window from the MTC on so no worries there. I eat everything. We only get what's called "Sunday Dinner" on Sundays of course, and that comes from Margret's daughter who lives next door. It usually has some tasty meat, veggies, and of course gravy, which I love. We get or make what's called Yorkshire Pudding. They're little cup pastry-like things that are made pretty much from batter like what you'd use from pancakes and you put gravy in them. Other than that we just eat what's quick and easy. Mostly baked beans on toast, pasta, or grilled cheese. Every Tuesday night we get Kebabs and if we have time we'll make a bit nicer of a meal. One night last week we made Japanese Curry and it was really good. I'll attach pics of all of them. I forgot to mention that I've had 2 battered and deep fried mars bars (Milky Ways). We call them heart attacks because lets face it, not too healthy. It was just a celebration for a good teach is all. They're quite tasty because the chocolate and caramel is melted and warm and the batter is what holds it together. No pics of them, sorry.
Dad- I'm so proud of you for being diligent in your running. I wish I was. I bet you could beat me in a race now. I'd run in the mornings, but it's really hard. Ask Kurt, being a missionary is tough work and sleep is very valuable. Thank you for doing my taxes, I owe you a nice gift from Portsmouth, I should be sending you and Mom something sooner or later.
Mom- It sounds like you've still got your hands full. :-) I bet you and Dad are looking forward to your well deserved getaway. Thank you for your letter. I'm glad you finally got the package. I was a little worried that they lost it somewhere. Our area is huge. You should Google Earth my address and see my flat :-). It takes us about an hour to walk to the beach. And we ride a bus every so often northward. How's the Hoskins family? I haven't heard much from them.
That's all for now, attached are some fun pictures of my food and a project I've been working on. I love you all. Thank you so much for your continual support and prayers.
-Elder Warner
P.S. I can't get this darn computer to work; I'll have to make a CD of pictures again or something. Sorry.
Posted by
8:35 AM
Labels: Portsmouth
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Date: Wed, 09 Apr 2008 10:57
Man I love conference. I was so excited for it. It’s crazy how you don't realize how important it is until you're out here. It was amazing! I saw a of couple people I know in the priesthood session. There was a men's choir from the Ogden and Logan Institute. I saw a guy that I had a class with and Steve that I worked with was there too. If you get a chance to go see my branch tell them I say hi and that I saw Steve. I took a lot of notes, which is surprising for me. I didn't get to see the Sunday afternoon session because of the time differences here. We’ll get to watch it this coming Sunday. Could you believe the president of the Church wiggled his ears in front of everyone? Man I love Monson, he's amazing. I thought a lot about our family during a few of the talks and on how we're almost complete with Karli and Trevor getting sealed soon. We are blessed with so much it's almost overwhelming.
Not a lot happened this week. The weather back home is nice compared to here. It changes so quickly it's annoying. It snowed two inches on Sunday! We had two elders stay with us from Chichester for conference and we had a nice little snowball fight. We’ve done 13 hours of finding this week in just two days. I did another exchange on Monday with the zone leaders in Southampton. I was with an Elder Button that’s from Arizona and going home in June. I learned a lot and am starting to love walking around talking to people. Some of the responses are hilarious. We get rejected so much, but it's good because the ones that do accept and want to meet with us we appreciate so much more. The work here is coming along great. I’m a little nervous for the next few days. McConkie is going out to the Isle later today and I’m going to be with E. Mortenson till Friday. That means I’m in charge of the area of Portsmouth for two days! It’s a little scary, but as long as I put my trust in the Lord I’ll be just dandy.
Dad- no worries. I didn't doubt that you forgot about me. I understand the senior moments. You’ve had them a lot over the past couple years, :-). I’m glad to hear that those gang girls are arrested now. I think you should sell the car though, its bad luck. Maybe move to a new house too. I just realized its tax time of the year. If you could handle mine for me that'd be great. I’m sure I’ll get plenty back. That’ll help with mission expenses. I’m not sure I read that right, but did you say you're not raking the plugs? No way. Have mom check your temperature. Ha-ha. Well you're still vacuuming the lawn so I suppose it's not too bad. Thank you for that added talk on locking your heart. I’ll keep my eye out ;-).
Kayti- it's crazy how much I’ll miss while I’m gone. Hearing all these stories about the nieces and nephews make me realize how much I loved being around them. The little guy's walking? They grow up so fast. I miss his little hick baby smile. The food is of course bland. Mostly at dinner appointments though. We add spices to our food in the flat.
Kami-dont worry about not seeing them all (conference sessions). That’s what the Ensign is for. They’re just as helpful when you read them. I still read last conference's talks when I eat my breakfast. Oh man, Costco, I miss that place. They have two in our mission, but they're in other zones. Plus I don’t have a membership, but I might be able to get a member in there if I serve near one. Wow, Travis working in St. George? That’d be so cool. How much more golf would he do though since it'll be ok year round???? Ha-ha that's good, I hope he gets it. You get to go to Spokane again? I loved it up there. P.S. That picture of Braiden's hand is gross.
Mom-I’m a little confused. I told you I got the greenie package at my zone conference a couple weeks ago. I sent you an envelope of goodies too. I’ll be mad at the royal mail if they lost it. The mail system in this country is not reliable at all. I’m glad I wasn't able to find a tape recorder around here. I’ve looked forever. I don’t have one yet so I hope your package will make it soon. Thanks so much. It’s about time Matt gets married. Give him my best, and the rest of the family as well when you see them. Man I’m glad that the soccer team is doing well. I miss it so bad. This spring weather brings back so many memories. Hopefully I’ll get to play later today. I want to coach part-time when I get back, if possible.
Kurt- man I can't believe I’ve been gone that long too. The days go slow but wow do the weeks go quick. I’ve learned so much and now have somewhat of a greater appreciation as to why you came home missing some hair. My biggest thing is learning to have patience with myself. I’m the biggest work in progress right now. The members here are good, but not too enthused in missionary work. McConkie and I are working hard to get them involved. I have a feeling that great things in Portsmouth are going to happen in the future.
It’s been a fun day hearing about everyone's experiences. I love you all so much. Thank you for all your support.
-Elder Warner
Posted by
1:49 AM
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Ello Ello
Wed, 02 Apr 2008 11:08
So not a whole lot happened this past week. I did get to travel quite a bit though. Mom, I'm mailing a small parcel to you today so you should get it on Monday at the latest(hopefully). Thursday was zone conference. It was in a place called Christchurch which is near Southampton. We had to take a train at 6:30 to get there. The trains are quite nice and the view is alright, not too much to see, sorry no pictures. Our investigator, Julian, isn't getting baptized this week anymore....:-(. He's going home to Reading (Reding) to see his family, but is still committed to be baptized on the 26th so that'll be cool. Monday was fun. We have our district meetings at our chapel every Monday. After this last one, I exchanged with the district leader who's on the Isle of Wight. I went out there for Monday and Tuesday morning. It's so cool there. I wouldn't mind going there for a moves(transfer).
I got to ride a giant hover craft there and a massive boat called the fast cat back on Tuesday.
p.s. I would love prints of what's going on at home.....I hope Dad and Emilee had a good b-day. Happy early anniversary Kayti & Cory on the 15th.
Kayti- I'm sorry about Kendall. I promise there are blessings somewhere for that little guy for me serving.;-). The weather is getting warm here too. We had two sunny days last week!! I even got sunburned!!!
McConkie and I eat a ton of sweets(candy, chocolate, etc.) I feel I'm getting a little fat. We finally started running this morning though and I got to wear my cool jersey too. We're on a chocolate diet. P-days are a little odd. Last time we just went around to a few shops and such on the highstreet(outdoor shopping mall). Today we're meeting up with our district and going bowling.
Mom- wow what the heck is going on with the family? Why's everyone sick? I guess I need to work harder so you all can get better, yeah? You'll get a good package, like I said earlier, from me. Just wait. You'll like it.
Kami- wow the kids are cool. McConkie and I talk about our nieces and nephews a lot. It made me realize how much I missed all of them. I look at the calendar everyone made me often. You should send me prints. I have a really cheap photo album or two that have 200 slots each so I've got room.... thank you for the attachments though. Braiden looks like he's quite the footballer. The weather here reminds me of early season play :-( I miss playing a lot. McConkie doesn't like to unless there are other missionaries. Brooklyn looks so much like you it's crazy! I miss them.
The lack of response about me saying I hope someone recorded Easter Sunday's sacrament meeting makes me assume that it didn't get recorded......I've searched everywhere for a recorder that uses tapes. It's hard because everything is going digital now, but I'll get one.
Thank you for your love and support.
I miss and love you all!
Please send picture prints!
-Elder Warner
Posted by
4:48 PM
Labels: Portsmouth